Hebrews 12 tells us that as we run the race of life we need to lay down and set aside all those things that hinder us from excelling. Truly, the number one thing that hinders everyone of us is the willingness to forgive and let go. The power of forgiveness is vital in every area of our life. Unforgiveness brings strife, confusion, and feeds the flesh. The greatest gift that you can give yourself is forgiveness. The flesh will never forgive, but the Holy Spirit gives us power to forgive ourselves and others. I truly believe the first step to total physical, emotional, and spiritual HEALING is forgiveness. May the power of the Holy Spirit, living inside of you lead and guide you into all truth and understanding! God's best always... Bobby Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Whatever is going on in your world right now I want to encourage you to lean into Jesus. Whatever doubts, fears, frustrations, etc., you might have I want to encourage you to call on Jesus. Whatever shame, hurt, sense of failure, or insecurities you might have I want to encourage you to abide in Jesus. If everything is currently going great in your life/world I want to encourage you to completely surrender to, yield, and follow Jesus. In him and him alone there is life, truth, forgiveness, healing, restoration, and hope for the future. Despite all that has been going on recently I find myself more in love with my Savior and King than ever before and I invite you to join us/me in this journey all over again. It probably won't be nice and clean and neat and tidy all of the time (if ever) but if the true presence of Jesus is proclaimed and welcomed, lives cannot help but be restored and made whole and that is the most fun and exciting thing in the world! I love you all, and please check out the text boxes/links below regarding other important information. Much love to you all, Chris |
October 2022