When we hear the word evangelist, I’m guessing the name or face of Billy Graham or someone like him comes to mind for most of us. I can honestly say that while I have a fondness for BG, a nameless Samaritan woman in John 6 jumps out at me first. “Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town & said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” They came out of the town & made their way toward him.” Jn. 4:28-30
This story is truly amazing & blows up so many silly church/ministry stereotypes. It is no small thing that the person Jesus is dealing with is 1) a woman 2) a Samaritan (“for Jews do not associate with Samaritans” v. 9) 3) had a fairly scandalous past & 4) had ZERO ministry/leadership/evangelistic training. This story screams 1) that Jesus will meet with ANY of us despite our gender, nationality, past mistakes, or violation of societal norms & 2) ANYONE can do ministry & bring people to Jesus! You don’t need a seminary degree or have to know the entire Bible, have all the answers, or been observed/trained for months/years. She was a mess, barely knew anything, & only knew him for all of about 15 minutes before going directly to the people she knew & essentially saying “hey y’all, this Jesus has had a profound impact on my life & I believe he’ll do the same for you; follow me & I’ll introduce you to him & you can see for yourself!” Don’t get me wrong, I am all for education, training, & equipping but sometimes we just make this far more complicated than it needs to be. I want to encourage EVERY ONE of you SPV peeps to invite someone to our Real Jesus series that starts this Sunday, & even to a corresponding small group/discussion group if possible. You can call, text, email, Snapchat, telegram, or use any form of communication you choose with a, “Hey, would you want to come to church with me this Sunday?” OR... something along the lines of the Samaritan woman: ”come & see (& hear about) this Jesus with me, he’s been known to do some pretty amazing things!” I hope to see you AND some of your friends /relatives this Sunday for worship, fellowship, Holy Communion, & the new Real Jesus series & let’s all be praying that all of us who are there have a deep & intimate encounter with the Real Jesus. Much love to you all, Chris. |
October 2022